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Washington State Snowmobile Association


WSSA Winter Rendezvous

February 7th-9th, 2025, Dayton 

Come to Dayton for three days of fun riding the Washington and
 Oregon Blues!  Rides planned for all riding styles - trail to extreme!  We’ll have dinner and entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights.  Family friendly! 

March Budget Meeting
March 29th, 2025, Lake Wenatchee Rec Club 

Everyone welcome!  Join us to set the 2025/2026 budget.

International Snowmobile Congress
June 11-14, 2025 
Join us in Charlottetown, Canada, and visit friends... or make new friends… 
from around the country and learn about snowmobiling in other
states and provinces.
Visit for details.

Summer Meeting 2025 - Date and location still to be determined.

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The Washington State Snowmobile Association will be offering a scholarship to either

a graduating high school senior or a person currently enrolled in college. This will be

a $1,000 Scholarship and will be given to the winner regardless of other Scholarships

or grants the student may be awarded.

Requirements are as follows:

1. The applicant must be a member of the Washington State Snowmobile

Association, either by a family membership, or as an individual member.

2. The applicant must submit the completed WSSA Scholarship Application Form.

3. The applicant must submit a resume detailing their involvement in

snowmobiling, as well as any other extra-curricular activities.

4. The applicant must submit their essay based on the “Essay Challenge” on the

application form. The essay should be a minimum of 2 Pages, 12 Point,

Double-Spaced and typed. Keep in mind, a well-researched, comprehensive

essay, will undoubtedly be significantly longer and we certainly encourage that.

5. All tasks on the application form must be completed or it will be rejected.

6. The application must be received by the WSSA Scholarship Chair no later than

March 15th, either by email, or regular mail.


1. If awarded this scholarship, the funds will be forwarded to the named school

after proof of registration is received.

2. An alternate will be picked if the winner should decide not to enroll in college.

3. Send applications to:

WSSA Scholarship c/o Sharon Crockett

1128 E. Gordon Ave.

Spokane, WA 99207


2025 WSSA Scholarship Application