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Washington State Snowmobile Association


WSSA Winter Rendezvous

February 7th-9th, 2025, Dayton 

Come to Dayton for three days of fun riding the Washington and
 Oregon Blues!  Rides planned for all riding styles - trail to extreme!  We’ll have dinner and entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights.  Family friendly! 

March Budget Meeting
March 29th, 2025, Lake Wenatchee Rec Club 

Everyone welcome!  Join us to set the 2025/2026 budget.

International Snowmobile Congress
June 11-14, 2025 
Join us in Charlottetown, Canada, and visit friends... or make new friends… 
from around the country and learn about snowmobiling in other
states and provinces.
Visit for details.

Summer Meeting 2025 - Date and location still to be determined.

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Click on the type of grant you are interested in for detailed information.

WSSA Trail/Trailhead Grant
ISMA Grants 

WSSA Trail/Trailhead Grants

The WSSA Trail/Trail Head Grant program is a quick and easy way for a club to receive help with small projects.  Grants are limited to $1,000 per club, but clubs can team together on one project, increasing the total funding.  (Each club must submit a separate application.)

Examples of projects eligible for this grant includes brushing or clearing of trails, signage, gravel, bridges, gates, rental equipment for such work, parking lot repair or to use as matching funds for NRTP grants.  This grant is not for trail grooming or snow plowing activities.

The grant process is simple.  The clubs applying for a grant must have current membership in WSSA.  The deadline to apply is April 15th.  The grants will be awarded by June 15th.  This will allow the clubs to perform the work in the prime summer and fall months.  (Projects must be completed by December 31st, upon which time photos and an article on the project are to go to the Snoflyer for publication.  If this trail grant is being used for matching an NRTP grant, please state that and the grant will have the same completion date as the NRTP grant.) 

All applications for grants will go to Jim Kingman of the Grant Committee.  Jim will forward the grants to the rest of the Grant Committee and the appropriate District Reps for input.  District Reps will contact the club contact on the application and verify the project.  If necessary, the District Rep will make a field review.  It is important that the District Reps know what their clubs are doing.  The District Rep will then report back to the Grant Committee.  After consultation and if approved, the Committee will forward the club’s request/application to the WSSA Treasurer for payment to the club.

Please be sure to read the grant application carefully as there are two items that must be attached to it--a map of the project site and land owner permission.  Grant applications without these two items will not be considered for funds.

Contact Jim Kingman, Trail Grant Chairman, at or (509) 961-1122 with any questions you may have.

2024 WSSA Grant Info & Application


National Recreational Trails Program (NRTP) Grants are administered through the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). These grants can be used to fund large projects, but have strict rules which need to be followed closely.  Funding limits span $5,000 to $50,000 for development and maintenance grants and $5,000 to $10,000 for education grants.  Eligible grant types include:  


    • Trail/Trailhead development and renovation
    • Maintenance of trails and facilities (includes grooming)
    • Education and safety


Funding for education and maintenance can be requested for two consecutive years.  WSSA wants to help your snowmobile club or related organization in pursuing these grants to the benefit of snowmobilers.  Please contact WSSA President Dean Meakin at or 509-220-1001 for assistance or to answer questions.


ISMA Grants

International Snowmobile Manufacturer Association (ISMA) Grants are reserved for state snowmobile organizations in good standing with the ACSA.  Basically this means these grants are available to WSSA and not individual clubs.  That being said, if your club has a need meeting ISMA criteria, you are encouraged to contact WSSA to apply for a grant.  Eligible grant types include:

    • Promotion of the campaign
    • Safety and environmental projects
    • Increasing or maintaining land access
    • Precedent setting lawsuits regarding land access
    • Economic impact studies

ISMA Grants are considerably less involved than IAC/NRTP Grants.  Please contact WSSA President Dean Meakin at or 509-220-1001 for assistance or to answer questions.